View from Rishi Road connecting Siliguri and Mirik in N direction up the Balason Valley. Whereas the slopes of the valley are most likely shaped by huge landslide systems, the numerous smaller landslide scars are mostly related to monsoonal rainfall events. The funnel-shaped valley in the right portion of the photo was the scene of the Ambootia landslide, active between 1968 and the 2000s and mostly overgrown by vegetation at this time.
- Location
- View on OpenStreetMap
- Created
- on Monday 13 November 2017 by Martin Mergili
- Keywords
- clay|debris|earth slide, cultural landscape, debris flow, DSGSD, landslide, monsoon forests, mountainscape, rock slide, tropical montane forest, Zonobiome II
- Visits and license
- 9601 visits, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license