The Emerald Island of the Caribbean was reshaped by a series of volcanic eruptions between 1995 and 2012, leading to the disappearance of the capital Plymouth. The island's southern part has been declared an exclusion zone, whereas people have moved to the north or to other islands such as Great Britain.
- Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Montserrat Volcano Observatory
- Plymouth with Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Plymouth with Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Plymouth
- Plymouth | Town centre
- Plymouth | Export of lahar deposits
- Plymouth and Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Plymouth and Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Remembrance of Plymouth
- Hilltop Coffee House | Saved items
- Richmond Hill | Montserrat Springs Hotel
- Richmond Hill | Abandoned building
- Plymouth | Abandoned building
- Plymouth | Former Government House
- Plymouth | Town Hill
- Plymouth | Town Hill
- Plymouth | Town Hill
- Plymouth | Town Hill
- Plymouth | Town Hill
- Plymouth with Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Plymouth | Town Hill with Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Soufrière Hills Volcano with lava dome
- Soufrière Hills Volcano | Sulfur dioxide emissions
- Plymouth suburbs and Centre Hills
- Plymouth suburbs | Overgrown buildings
- Belham River Valley and Centre Hills
- Belham River Valley and Centre Hills
- Belham River Valley | Molyneaux
- Tar River mouth | New land
- Tar River mouth | New land
- Tar River mouth | New land
- Tar River mouth | New land
- Tar River mouth | New land
- Bethel | Volcanic deposits
- Bethel | Volcanic deposits
- Bethel | Volcanic deposits
- Bethel | Volcanic deposits
- East coast with Lookout
- East coast with Lookout
- Lookout
- Marguerita Bay
- John A. Osborne Airport
- Centre Hills
- Brades
- Little Bay